Collaboration in Sport Grant

The City of Red Deer recognizes the power of recreation in fostering inclusiveness in our community. The Collaboration in Sport Fund will provide up to $50,000 to partnerships between local recreation organizations and social agencies.
Collaboration in Sport Image

The Collaboration in Sport Fund will support projects that show collaboration between community social agencies and sport & recreation organizations to bring new opportunities for participation to the community. Creating new partnerships and working together to bridge the gap for recreation in our community is the key to success with this grant opportunity.

Successful applications will demonstrate the following outcomes:

  • Increase recreation participation rates
  • Remove barriers to enhance access to recreation
  • Enhance Community pride, identity and diversity for positive social impact
  • Grow cultural understanding

Purpose: Encouraging community partnerships to deliver recreation opportunities to the community.

Amount: $50,000 one-time funding
Application deadline: September 20, 2024

Before applying, read the Collaboration in Sport Application Guide (pdf).

Apply now

For questions regarding this grant program, please contact: