Current Exhibitions

The City of Red Deer Community Development facilitates two gallery spaces: the Corridor Community Gallery and the Viewpoint Gallery. Learn about the current exhibitions at each gallery below.

Viewpoint Gallery







Image credit: Aeris Osborne, 1911 Red Deer Cronquist House

Image credit: Aeris Osborne, 1911 Red Deer Cronquist House

Aeris Osborne

Alberta Old Buildings with AR (Augmented Reality) Experience

First Fridays Logo

Exhibition Dates:                 July 5 – August 30, 2024

First Friday, July 5th         Gallery hours 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

                                              Opening Reception 6:00 pm - 8:00 p.m.

                                              Artist’s Talk 6:30 p.m.                                                    

First Friday, August 2nd   Gallery hours 8:00 am – 8:00 pm


About the Exhibition:                     

This exhibit aims to combine Alberta heritage, art, and nature while promoting part of Alberta’s history and various historical architectural styles.   Osborne’s project received the 2021-2022 Alberta Artist-in-Residence/Art Ambassador appointment from the Government of Alberta.  She selected 10 Historical buildings across Alberta from hamlets to cities, including hotels, dwelling residences, government buildings, museums, railway station, and heritage sites that represent Alberta's local history and display various architectural styles. These historical buildings were selected for paintings based on their historical value, function, characteristics, and architectural styles. The buildings were built between the 1880s to 1920s, and locations were selected strategically from northern, central, and southern Alberta regions that represent Alberta history from past to present. Red Deer’s Cronquist House is one of the buildings highlighted.

The AR (Augmented Reality) element of the exhibition offers audiences an opportunity to learn and understand more about the subjects of the paintings. Using the Artivive App, viewers can interact with each artwork to watch as the painting was created, view photos of the interiors and exteriors of each historical building, and more.

Artist’s Statement:

How do you view Alberta Old Buildings? What do you feel when you pass by them each time? Have you ever thought about the importance of heritage preservation? Any reflective memory between you and those old buildings and locations? Alberta Old Buildings have been witnesses to the transformation of our society for more than a century, they are not only landmarks but also like a living record to capture Alberta culture, craftsmanship, architecture, and knowledge. This project turns Alberta Old buildings into modern impressionist paintings and creates a portal to connect the Past (Alberta Old buildings), Present (my paintings), and Future (the viewers) that can emphasize the importance of protecting and preserving the beauty of Alberta heritage and arts.

I have been traveling to Alberta since 2005. Despite the stunning majestic Rocky Mountains and vast sky, I was intrigued by the various rustic styles of buildings to stand alone in harmony with the surrounding environment. Comparing my hometown Hong Kong with more than 7,800 high-rises, the city soars above all. Away from HK's prosperity hustle and bustle, Alberta’s historical buildings, like still water, represent peace and harmony that I am yearning for along with other travelers.

About the Artist:

Aeris is a self-taught visual artist and a Hong Kong-Canadian immigrant who moved to Edmonton, AB, Canada in 2007 and has been painting for over a decade.  Starting a new life in Edmonton offered a change in living environment, landscapes, and nature which moved her to use visual mediums to interpret her observations and express her unique vision.  She enjoys exploring various mediums using bold and vivid colors in acrylic, ethereal mood in watercolor, and black and white ink pen drawing. Most of her creations are inspired by the beauty of the Canadian landscape, animals, streetscapes, and architecture. Aeris hopes that, in her paintings, you can find her inner peacefulness, joyfulness, and uniqueness.

Aeris was the 2021-2022 Alberta Artist In Residence / Art Ambassador appointed by the Government of Alberta with the project “Alberta Old Buildings”. Her previous “YEG Old Houses” was awarded a 2022 art grant from Canada Council For The Art and she won two Open Art Competitions with the Allied Art Council Spruce Grove.

About the Gallery:

The Viewpoint Gallery showcases original works of art by individual artists and collectives, and curated exhibitions. The gallery is in the lobby of the City of Red Deer Culture Services facility.  Visit our Viewpoint Gallery page for more information.

5205 48 Ave (in the old intermediate school building)

Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
First Fridays: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
*Facility closed:  August 5, 2024

The City of Red Deer, Community Development

Corridor Community Gallery


Image Credit: Dennis Moffat, Mountain Ash, 2024

Image Credit: Dennis Moffat, Mountain Ash, 2024

Original silkscreen prints by Dennis Moffat

In the Corridor Community Gallery until August 30, 2024

First Fridays LogoFirst Fridays:

Gallery is open until 5 p.m. on Fridays

Artist Statement:

Red Deer is blessed with a welcomed spring and glorious summer. These floral prints display the wonderful variety of blooms and plants seen in Red Deer during these times.

My objective as an artist is to produce affordable art for everyone.  My prints might enable people to start an art collection that can grow as they add to it over the years.  My art needs no interpretation.​

About the Artist:

Dennis Moffat is a Red Deer artist who has worked professionally since 1979. He received his training at the Royal Winnipeg School of Art, McMaster University, University of Calgary and the Red Deer College Summer (Red Deer Polytechnic) series program.

He paints, prints and etches, in addition to producing works in ceramics. Printmaking is his joy - he has printed more than 1100 editions, and the finished "surprise" of each print is a great satisfaction. 

About the Gallery:

The Corridor Community Gallery is hosted by the City of Red Deer Community Development. This space, adjacent to our clay studio spaces, provides a public venue for local artists and allows us to share in the talents of fellow community members.


4501 47A Ave, downtown Red Deer (in the lower level of the Recreation Centre)

Summer Facility Hours:

Monday - Friday: 5:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Sundays & Holidays: 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.

View Holiday Hours and Facility Closures


For information on visual arts classes and programs offered by the City of Red Deer or to enquire about showing your artwork in the Corridor Community Gallery, please contact:

The City of Red Deer, Community Development
(403) 406-8820