Housing and Homelessness

Homelessness Prevention

The City administers funding from the federal and provincial governments for affordable housing and homelessness. This involves:

  • agreements with the other orders of government.
  • preparing and administering requests for proposals when funding is available.
  • providing administrative support to the Housing & Homelessness Integration Committee makes funding decisions on behalf of the City. 
  • preparation and monitoring of contracts to the organizations and developers in the community who implement and fund projects.

If you are experiencing homelessness, please contact Coordinated Entry to access services:

Safe Harbour Society - Coordinated Entry
5246 – 53 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 5K2
Phone: 403-347-0181
E-mail: office@safeharboursociety.org

Shining Mountains Living Community Services - Indigenous Coordinated Entry
4925 - 46 Street 
Red Deer, AB T4N 1N2
Phone: 403-346-9794
E-mail: cediversion@smlcs.ca  

Red Deer Native Friendship Society - Indigenous Coordinated Entry
4808 - 51 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 4H3
Phone: 403-340-0020
E-mail: friendship@rdnfs.com  

McMan Youth, Family & Community Services Association - Youth Coordinated Entry
5214 47 Avenue, #103
Red Deer, AB T4N  3P7
Phone: 403-309-2002
E-mail: reddeer@mcmancentral.ca

If you are facing eviction or at risk of homelessness, Prevention Services are available:

The Outreach Centre
4101 - 54 Avenue Avenue 
Red Deer, AB T4N 7G3
Phone: 403-347-2480 
E-mail: info@theoutreachcentre.org 

Red Deer Native Friendship Society
4808 - 51 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 4H3
Phone: 403-340-0020
E-mail: friendship@rdnfs.com  

Shining Mountains Living Community Services
4925 - 46 Street 
Red Deer, AB T4N 1N2
Phone: 403-346-9794
E-mail: prevention@smlcs.ca  

Homelessness Support Services 

Program Type Funding Period Organization Program Name
Assertive Street Outreach 2020-2024 Central Alberta's Safe Harbour Society Outreach Team
Coordinated Entry - Adult 2020-2024 Central Alberta's Safe Harbour Society Coordinated Entry
Coordinated Entry – Youth 2020-2026 McMan Youth, Family and Community Social Services Arcadia - Youth Outreach
Coordinated Entry – Indigenous 2020-2024 Red Deer Native Friendship Society Indigenous Coordinated Entry
Coordinated Entry, Diversion & Outreach 2024-2026 Shining Mountains Living Community Services Wiichi
Homelessness Prevention 2024-2026 The Outreach Centre Homelessness Prevention
Indigenous Homelessness Prevention 2020-2024 Red Deer Native Friendship Society Homelessness Prevention
Indigenous Homelessness Prevention 2023-2024 Shining Mountains Living Community Services An mas Indigenous Homelessness Prevention
Indigenous Rapid Rehousing 2020-2024 Red Deer Native Friendship Society Pimacihowin Rapid Rehousing
Indigenous Rapid Rehousing 2021-2024 Shining Mountains Living Community Services Home to Stay Rapid Rehousing
Indigenous Intensive Case Management 2020-2024 Red Deer Native Friendship Society Pimacihowin Intensive Case Management
Indigenous Intensive Case Management 2021-2024 Shining Mountains Living Community Services Making a Home Intensive Case Management
Indigenous Cultural Support 2020-2024 Red Deer Native Friendship Society Indigenous Cultural Connections
Indigenous Cultural Support 2023-2024 Shining Mountains Living Community Services Nihtaa Indigenous Cultural Connections
Permanent Supportive Housing 2020-2024 Canadian Mental Health Association The Amethyst House
Permanent Supportive Housing 2020-2024 Canadian Mental Health Association Pathways to Housing
Scattered Site Case Management 2024-2026 The Outreach Centre Red Deer Housing Team Scattered Site Case Management
Scattered Site Case Management 2024-2026 YMCA of Northern Alberta Homeward Bound Scattered Site Case Management
Shelter Diversion 2021-2024 Central Alberta’s Safe Harbour Society Housing Focused Shelter
Shelter Diversion 2021-2024 The Mustard Seed Housing Focused Shelter
Transitional Housing for Youth 2020-2024 McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Arcadia House

This table will be updated when agencies have entered a contractual agreement with The City of Red Deer

thumbnail of front cover of the 5 Year Integrated Plan

Plans and Reports

A list of all the Plans and Reports related to Housing and Homelessness.

Photo of apartment building

Coordinated Access

The coordinated access process (CAP) is a method of matching individuals experiencing chronic and episodic homelessness to a housing program that meets their needs.

Photo of belongings of a rough sleeper

Urban Encampments in Public Areas

Whether set up by persons experiencing homelessness or others in the community, makeshift camps in our parks and other green spaces pose a risk to health and safety for those who use them and for the community at large.

Man experiencing homelessness sleeping on the ground

Point in Time Homeless Count

A coordinated event where volunteers count persons experiencing homelessness and ask them a number of questions to get a snapshot in time of those experiencing homelessness in the community.

Success Story Tile 7

Success Stories

Read personal success stories of those working in or being assisted by Red Deer’s housing system.

An image of people meeting


The Community Housing Advisory Board acts as an advisor to Council on affordable housing, homelessness, services/activities related to the goal of ending homelessness, and funding allocation within the community.