Funding Opportunities
Review the new FCSS Funding Guide and learn about current funding priorities and processes.
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a unique 80/20 funding partnership between the Government of Alberta and participating municipalities or Métis Settlements. The combined funding is used to support preventive social initiatives, projects, and services that enhance the social well-being of individuals, families, and/or the community.
The Red Deer and District FCSS region includes the partner municipalities of The City of Red Deer, Red Deer County, Town of Bowden, Town of Penhold, Village of Delburne and Village of Elnora.
Each municipality has the autonomy to determine the FCSS process at the local level. For that reason, FCSS can look vastly different from one municipality to another.
In the Red Deer region, FCSS is structured in a regional partnership of six municipalities which are represented at the FCSS Board as follows:
FCSS supports Community Workers and Community Facilitators in each partner municipality. The Red Deer & District FCSS Board meets monthly (excluding January, July and August).
FCSS Community Workers provide direct services to the community or empower the local community to take action on broader community social matters. They also act as information and referral agents to ensure that residents are connected with appropriate social services within the region.
FCSS Community Facilitators provide consultative and facilitative leadership and support and are rarely involved in direct service delivery. They focus largely on community capacity building through convening and/or contributing to broad social issues that are not owned by any one agency. Their roles range from advocate, educator, capacity builder, convener to coordinator.
The 2022 Trends in Review report is a compilation of current social trends of wellbeing in Alberta with a specific focus on our FCSS catchment. This report includes data and information available since 2016 to the most recent available year, which varies based on data source. The 2022 Trends in Review report aims to provide background information to stakeholders in the FCSS 2024-2026 funding priority setting process. View the FCSS - 2022 Trends in Review (pdf) report.
Regardless of the approach, an FCSS municipality must ensure that local initiatives, processes or services meet all the requirements set out in the FCSS Act. In particular, the Act requires that FCSS supports social initiatives that are preventive and that they enhance the social well-being of individuals and families through promotion or intervention strategies provided at the earliest opportunity.
Below are some of the guidelines for FCSS programs. For a full listing of programs, services and approaches that generally meet the FCSS Act, please refer to the FCSS Program Advice Inventory (pdf).
As is the case with all funded programs, Red Deer & District FCSS is required to meet required outcomes and financial accountability as set by the Province. On a random basis, the Red Deer & District FCSS program is audited directly by provincial FCSS staff with the last audit being in 2013.
Review the new FCSS Funding Guide and learn about current funding priorities and processes.
The priority setting process was informed by a review of local trends and needs and consultation with community stakeholders.
Learn about FCSS initiatives such as Small Acts Matters and Books on the Bus.
For more information about FCSS in Red Deer, contact The City's Community Development section at 403-406-8820 or by email at culturemailbox@reddeer.ca.