Urban Chicken Licences

Find out what it takes to keep urban chickens in Red Deer!

What is an Urban Chicken?

An Urban Chicken is a hen that is at least 16 weeks of age kept in an urban area within The City of Red Deer.

What do I need to know to keep Urban Chickens?
  • A Chicken Licence is required prior to acquiring chickens on site.
  • No roosters are allowed - we can't be waking up the whole neighborhood!
  • Urban Chickens are for personal use. Enjoy the eggs for your family!
  • A maximum of 4 chickens are allowed. 
  • Chickens are to remain in a Coop at all times - keep that poop in one place!
  • You must obtain a Premises Identification (PID).

Check out the Chicken Bylaw to find out more information!

How do I apply?
Additional Information and Resources

For Provincial and Federal information and regulations, please visit:

A local group called CLUCK Red Deer (Canadian Liberated Urban Chicken Klub) is a good place to get more information on how to keep urban chickens. They offer courses, coop tours and information to residents interested in learning more.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CLUCKRedDeer/ 


Email: licensing@reddeer.ca
Phone: 403-342-8182
In person: Main floor of City Hall, 4914 48 Avenue

City Hall is open between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Closed weekends and statutory holidays.