Red Deer, Alta. – During regular policing patrols this past weekend, Red Deer RCMP members identified and removed nine impaired drivers from the roads. Six drivers received Immediate Roadside Sanctions for failing roadside tests, and another three individuals were issued sanctions for failing Graduated Drivers Licence (GDL) Zero Tolerance restrictions.
Drivers charged with an impaired driving offence automatically lose their licence for a minimum of 90 days, and may face a 30-day vehicle seizure, monetary charge of at least $1,000, and a 12-month licence suspension Ignition Interlock Program.
“Our members are always vigilant for possible impaired drivers, but nine in one weekend is unusual, and cause for concern,” says Cpl. Mike Evans, Red Deer RCMP. “Impaired driving has devastating impacts on families and is an entirely preventable cause of death and injury.”
The Red Deer RCMP wish to remind the public that stopping impaired driving is a community effort. If you witness dangerous driving behaviour or believe a driver may be impaired, please call 9-1-1 immediately.
Media contact:
Red Deer RCMP Media